Advanced Hints And Tips
This special advanced section is where you should come when you've settled into the game and you really want to go for those
big high scores. It'll take some practice to master some of the hints here, but they'll be a good step on the way to becoming
a true Bubble Trouble master player!
Protect your multipliers
Getting the big score multipliers and holding on to them for as long as possible is the most important way to achieve big
scores. If you hold on to the 5x multiplier for a few levels then you can get incredibly big scores, especially if you're
joining the jewels, getting big level bonuses, or doing lots of multi-enemy squishes (which give big points once you've got
the 5x multiplier).
Join those jewels!
Squishing the enemies is always important, but joining up those jewels gives you lots of points, up to 10000 (multiplied by that
5x you've kept, right?). When you start the level you should always be thinking about moving and popping bubbles so you can start
joining the jewels, and you can use the few seconds until the enemies hatch and move to get a head start. It gets harder on the
later levels as you have four jewels to join, so you may want to risk squishing all but one of the enemies, and then joining the
jewels and dealing with the extra starfish as necessary.
Line up the enemies
A big line of enemies can either get your multiplier really high or can give you really big points if you already have a 5x.
On the early levels with pirahna, clear some space in the center of the level (pop lots of bubbles) and leave the pirahna alive
for a long time so they'll start going for you. When they're definitely coming your way most of the time, swim around between them
to get them in a close group, then dart quickly across the level and get behind a bubble. With some practice you'll get them to
all line up nicely for one big squish.
On later levels the enemies come your way quicker, so quickly clear a long passage for a bouncing bubble (preferably purple). When the enemies come close,
push the purple bubble and follow it along: the longer you can stay on the line of the bouncing bubble, the more likely the enemies
will come up to the same level and get squished. Obvoiusly move out the way when it bounces back, but once it's gone past get right
back on its line again. You can get as many as six or seven enemies with this technique, which can get you back that 5x multiplier
after you just lost it in a silly, pathetic way ("Gah, why did I do that?").
Cause havoc, and keep your distance
On the later levels, Haarrfish is really going to be on your case. When you're running away in blind panic, push some
bouncing bubbles on the way and set off some dynamite: they often take out Haarrfish as she moves so quickly. Also, as mentioned in the
enemy descriptions, simply get lots of water between you and the starfish. If you're close then you're bound to get caught by a
pushed bubble or a quick darting move, losing your multiplier and causing a definite "D'oh" moment. You don't need to be told how
frustrating that can be!
Take refuge behind jewels
Jewels give big points, but they have one other special benefit: the enemies cannot push or pop them. On the later levels where you're
swimming all over the place, darting behind a jewel can give you a fraction of a second longer: you know the starfish won't push it,
and you can decide on where to dart next. If you haven't joined the jewels yet then you can also take out two or three enemies surprisingly
often with them: when the enemies can't push or pop them they tend to cycle round for a second, deciding what to do next.
But there's more...
These are a starting point for helping to become a great player, but you've probably got your own special techniques for getting great
scores. Why not make your own web pages or advanced guide, and put a link to it on the Bubble Trouble web pages? See the
About section for more information.
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