Bubble Troubleª Editor 1.0.0 READ MECopyright © 1996-2002 Alex Metcalf/David Wareing and Ambrosia Software, Inc.----------------------------------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTIONBT Editor is a Bubble Trouble level editor for Bubble Trouble X that lets you completely customise all of Bubble Trouble's levels, including changing the maze layouts, adding bouncing balls and dynamite, changing enemy types, and loads of other settings.¥ Don't worry! All changes you make are stored in a special 'BT Custom Levels' file, so you do not permanently alter or mess up the game in any way when using the editor. If you move, delete, or rename the 'BT Custom Levels' file, Bubble Trouble will return to the standard levels. You may distribute this custom levels file to other players, who may put it in their BT folders and try out your creations.¥ If you are proficient with resource editing you can make your own graphics and sounds for Bubble Trouble. Simply put them into files called "BT Custom Sprites" and "BT Custom Sounds" respectively, using the same resource ID numbers as the originals you wish to replace. Bubble Trouble X will also open and use these files automatically.¥ The custom levels file that BT Editor makes will only work with Bubble Trouble X, not the original Bubble Trouble (1996/97) release.EDITOR BASICSOpen up BT Editor. You'll be presented with the maze layout for level 1. Click on locations in the maze to place bubbles, and command-click to erase bubbles.The green box shows you where Blinky normally starts on a level. If that square is taken, the nearest free square is used. If no nearby square is free, Blinky is put on top of a bubble, and that bubble is removed.To move through each of the levels (there are 50 in total) use the left and right arrow keys. To jump to a specific level, choose 'Open level...' from the Editor menu or press Command-O.You may place bouncing bubbles and dynamite by changing the current 'tool':- Press '1' to place normal bubbles- Press '2' to place blue (bounce once) bubbles- Press '3' to place purple (bounce twice) bubbles- Press '4' to place dynamiteNote that the size of the dynamite (one or two sticks) is dictated by the level number the player is on; two stick dynamite bubbles occur from level 12 onwards.¥ At any time you may revert back to the original level (or all original levels) by selecting 'Restore original level...' or 'Restore all levels...' from the Editor menu. This action cannot be undone and you will lose your custom level(s), so be careful!CHANGING LEVEL SETTINGSChoose 'Level Settings...' or press Command-L to bring up the settings for the maze you're viewing. A dialog box appears allowing you to change enemy numbers, delays, patterns, and so forth.* Setting Descriptions- The total numbers of each enemy on a level are given down the left hand side.- 'Back picture': the ID of the PICT resource (which must be 640x480) used as the background picture for the level. The ones built into Bubble Trouble (which you may use) are: 912, 13000, 13001, 13002, 13003, 13004, and 13005. If you make and add your own PICT resources to the BT Custom Levels file you may also use those.- 'Music number': the type of music you wish to have playing during the level. You may only use 1, 2, 3, or 4.- 'Max enemies': the maximum enemies that can be on the screen at any one time.- 'Egg time': how long enemy eggs flash before they hatch, in frames (30 frames in 1 second).- 'Jewels (3 or 4)': how many jewel bubbles there are to join together on the level. * NOTE that Bubble Trouble normally tries to place the jewels on a row and column that hasn't got any jewels, and also away from the edge. If you design a level where it can't do that (it randomly selects normal bubbles), you may find all your jewels bunched up together, or, sometimes, impossible to join!- 'Balloon time': how long a balloon holds an enemy (when you get the 'capture' bonus that floats up the screen, or join the jewels), in frames (30 frames in 1 second).OTHER EDITOR MENU COMMANDS- 'Clear level' removes all the bubbles from a level, to save you time when you wish to start designing a maze layout from scratch.- 'Save' saves any changes you've made to your level, while 'Revert...' goes back to the last saved change (but does not revert to the original BT level like 'Restore level...' does).- 'Exchange levels...' lets you swap the level you're currently viewing with another. So, you could make level 40 be level 1 and vice versa. Bear in mind that some parts of the difficulty curve in the game are built-in, so simply making level 40 be level 1 doesn't mean that it will be as difficult as when it's actually the 40th level you reach in the game.HAVING TROUBLE PLAYING A CUSTOM LEVEL?If you have any bizarre game problems with a level you've made and can't figure out what's wrong, you can restore that level to its original version with 'Restore original level...' in the Editor menu.AND FINALLY...Got some great levels you've made? Why not share them with others? Visit the Bubble Trouble web pages to find out how you can share your levels file with other players.http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/bt/VERSION HISTORYVersion 1.0.0 - May 2002 ¥ First public release.