A couple of industry security experts left a major corporate firm and
decided to set up their own security company - Arunmor Corporation.
A small group of graduates found a security hole in Arunmor's system,
and began hiring out their services as freelance agents. They performed
tasks for other companies - small time espionage, fraud etc.
Uplink Corporation ( 2008 ad) -
Introversion Software set up their own company on the AWAN - Uplink
Corporation. This company was a front for the illegal activity going
on underneath it.
In an attempt to improve public opinion, a number of high profile arrests
were made and some major hackers went to jail. This had the desired
effect of improving confidence in Arunmor, but it also pushed Uplink
Corporation to total anonymity. They removed all logs of the identities
of their agents, storing only the agent names and their profiles. All
agents are now forced to connect through Gateways which auto-disconnect
when traces are in progress, and which can be freely destroyed if necessary
to remove evidence. This allows agents to simply destroy their gateways
and start again without consequence if they are traced for any actions. The general population are still not aware of the scale of Uplinks operation. |