The tool system in Uplink was fine for the game, but would be very limiting for the Online version. Of course we still need the standard tool set that comes with Uplink (File Copier, Decrypter etc), but we also need the ability to add new tools. There will be a simple programming language within Uplink Online, which can be used to make new tools. This language will work in two levels - high level and low level. The Low Level programming language will be reasonably complex and will have a lot of power over the Uplink Online world. This is designed for programmers and hackers to write new modules which will perform specific tasks. The High Level language will be much simpler - basically just a macro language with some basic control flow. The high level language will be able to call modules written in the low level language. Using this, less advanced players (ie most normal people) will be able to assemble their own programs visually by connecting modules together. Uplink Corp. will provide a number of tools (built up of low level modules) for sale. Agents will be able to create new tools / modules, and trade with them. This could be as simple as an agreement to swap tools with other hackers, or as complex as a sales system running on someones Server, where agents can sell their software tools. This will introduce a number of new elements into the tools used - including abuse of the system (viruses etc), and unreliability of programs. A hacker tool will frequently not do what it is supposed to do. A number of quality software vendors might be able to flourish in Uplink Online by selling high quality software to other hackers. Then again, someone might just steal it. It will be possible to create roaming software tools. These could be launched from your local system, and will roam around the Uplink Online network performing tasks for you. They will literally move from Server to Server, controlled by a High Level script which drives their actions.