Server Systems


The Uplink Online Server will be distributed along with the Client, and anyone can start one up. The aim is to have hundreds of Servers around the world. The Server will not be particularly visible on the system it is run on - eg under Windows it would appear in the tray as an icon, and under Linux it would simply be a background task.

Once running, Servers would be connected to the Uplink Online Network. The people who own them will be able to administer them using an Uplink Client, and entering their username/password/security measures etc to gain access.

The Servers will be highly customisable by their owners. It will be possible to set up message boards, chat channels etc. It will also possible to buy/sell items of software or data. They will be gathering places for Agents.

Obviously security will be high on people's minds when running Servers. People will try to hack these systems, so it would be fantastic to have real-world warnings when under attack. Eg the Server sends you a textmessage to your phone, or emails you that something is wrong. When Servers start to get popular it may be prudent to hire Agents to defend your Server systems from attack.

Server systems will be required if you want to hack into the big targets. If you want to be a top hacker you will need to run your own server as a base of operations, and as a hub for the other agents on your team. Defending your Server during an attack will be very important.

We would provide a number of key Server systems to the world - such as the InterNIC server, and a number of Government systems. These would be extremely well defended - most likely a well organised team of skilled hackers would be required to mount a successful attack on these computers. The idea is to promote team work between hackers. We would also provide the Uplink Corporation systems, which will remain a focal point for News, Missions etc.